Monday, November 14, 2011

Here in Bali...

There is peace amongst the chaos. There are hidden temples and shines everywhere you can see and everywhere you cannot. You try to avoid stepping on the small offerings that were left on the sidewalk from the day before and find yourself stepping on another one in the effort. The flow of traffic has a mind of it's own and whole families and a dog somehow fit onto one motorbike. Rice fields are sprawling within the confines of the busy city center and yet harmoniously they sing together. Bali is simply unlike any place I have ever been. Devotion is the pulse and lifeblood of this nation. Our waiter the other night, stopped work to light incense and pray at the alter off to the side. In the afternoon women will sit and make baskets out of banana or palm leafs for the next days offerings. The owner of our guesthouse gathers flowers every morning to line all the stairs, tables, statues and alters reminding me that there is prayer in all of our actions.
I wish this was something we understood more as a nation in the US. We are so worried about getting to work on time and updating our Facebook page that we don't give the proper love to all the gifts that we have been given.
We have been here only a few days but as more time passes, I become more grateful and more loving. Thank you Bali for opening my eyes again.

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