Sunday, December 11, 2011

A beautiful day...

In many respects the best adventures come when you don't do your research and get off the beaten path. Ditch that guidebook and tuk-tuk right onto that road less travelled. Unless of course your tuk-tuk driver happens to be a scam artist! Thankfully we DID read our guidebook and knew exactly what to look for. We were warned against drivers who tell you that the temples are closed but that for a small fee they can get you in the back door. Five times we were approached with this ludicracy. Thankfully we just trusted our instincts and kept on walking. Such a scrumptious day lay before us after that!

Wat Pho Temple, prayers, offerings, monks, markets, marching bands, fortune tellers, art, kites.... I pinched myself just to make sure that the day was real!

Now a simple dinner and early to bed for we catch the train to Cambodia at 5:55am. Hope this finds you all snuggled up cozy somewhere eating Christmas cookies... Mmm... cookies.

Nate's thoughts of the day:
If a monk buys a car, is it good karma? And does he start it with his monkey?

pictures of the Royal Family

offerings at Wat Pho

Wat Pho. Temple of the Reclining Buddha


Kites flying in the park at the Royal Palace, Bangkok

Dragon fruit

One of the many golden Buddhas at Wat Pho

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